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Never give up on something you can’t go a day without thinking about

In my last newsletter I wrote the following:

“Thank you for reading this far, but I’d like to ask you one last favour. If you do not receive an email from me by the end of Wednesday this week sharing the link to this new page on my website, I’d like for you to hold me accountable, send me a message, and check why I haven’t done it yet.”

So as promised, here it is.

Exciting? Yes.

Ambitions? No doubt.

Scary? Absolutely!

Frightening as it may be, having the courage to choose uncertainty over certainty is a happiness decision that will transform your life.

Thanks for reading, your support and following along on this incredible journey!

As always I love hearing from you so if you have any questions, want to chat or share or ask, simply hit reply and let’s connect.

Have a great week ahead, stay safe and see you all next week.

Don’t forget to be awesome.

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