Are you scared?
Are you worried?
Are you stressed?
Are you uncertain?
Are you anxious?
Are you doubtful?
Are you overwhelmed?
Are you hesitant?
Are you out of your comfort zone?
Good. You should be. I am.
It’s a sign that shows you actually give a shit about yourself and your own life and that you are moving in the right direction.
Most people remain indifferent.
They drift through life unaware and blind to the price of their complacency.
You’re different, you actually care.
You recognize this is your one chance and you’re determined to make it count. This awareness is precisely why your path won’t mirror theirs and why you won’t end up like them.
As long as you are willing to take action.
Learn how to deal with discomfort and uncertainty and stress and anxiety and you open the doors to everything.
And yes, I’m speaking to myself as well.
And just to confirm in case you missed it, the take home message is… as long as you are willing to take action.