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The Art of Curiosity: Embracing the Journey in Photography and Life

I recently sat down with a coaching client, a former engineer who’s found a new passion in photography. Our chat got me thinking about how we approach both photography and life itself. It’s funny how often these two intertwine, isn’t it?

My client’s story is a real eye-opener. Here’s someone who left a structured career and dove headfirst into the world of photography. But what struck me most wasn’t their technical skills or the images they’ve captured. It was their shift in perspective. They’ve moved from chasing the perfect shot to really soaking in the experience of photography. It’s got me wondering – how many of us could benefit from a similar shift in our own lives and creative pursuits?

We talked a lot about curiosity. You know that saying, “Be curious, not judgmental”?  In a world where we’re constantly comparing ourselves to others on social media, being curious offers a refreshing alternative. It’s about exploring, making mistakes, and growing – without beating ourselves up in the process.

Another big theme was connection. Not just connecting with other people, but with ourselves and our surroundings. My client’s been exploring this idea of mindfulness in photography. It’s fascinating stuff – blending the technical side of photography with a more intuitive, present approach. I reckon this could be a game-changer for photographers looking to put more of themselves into their work.

We also touched on something I see a lot in my coaching – the danger of tying our self-worth to our output. It’s so easy to get caught up in the images we produce, using them as a measure of our success or value. But as my client’s discovering, the real joy often lies in the process itself – those moments of connection, bursts of creativity, and quiet revelations that come when we’re fully immersed in what we’re doing.

So, what can we take away from all this? 

First off, let’s embrace curiosity. In photography and in life, approach each day with an open mind. Don’t be afraid to experiment or try new things. Growth often happens when we step out of our comfort zones.

Secondly, try bringing some mindfulness into your photography. Before you click that shutter, really take in your subject. Feel the connection between you, your camera, and the world around you. You might be surprised at how it changes your images.

Remember to focus on the journey, not just the end result. Sure, we all want great photos, but don’t forget to enjoy the process of creating them.

Build connections too – with other photographers, with your subjects, with your environment. These connections can be a real source of inspiration and growth.

And finally, don’t let your photographs define you. You’re more than your portfolio or your Instagram feed. Let your photography express who you are, rather than the other way around.

My client’s journey has reminded me that photography, like life, isn’t about reaching some final destination. It’s about embracing the journey, being open to change, following our curiosity, and finding meaning in the process of creation.

So, next time you pick up your camera, remember – the most beautiful images often come from the most unexpected moments.

Be curious, be present, and above all, enjoy the ride.

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