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Communication and being offended

Have you noticed how a lot of people these days seem to communicate at you rather than communicate with you?

I don’t know if it’s the whole woke culture where, quite often it seems, people communicate their beliefs at you but when you then try and communicate with them by sharing your point of view they get offended.

It’s gotten to a point where people so obviously communicate at you in order to make sure you don’t question their beliefs and values or offend them that in some instances it’s just easier to say “yeah, okay” and move on.

Seriously, if you are on a continuous search to be offended you’re gonna find what you’re looking for each and every time. Even when it’s not there.

Holy shit, it musty be exhausting to be offended by everything!

It’s gotten to a point where if you were given the choice between a pizza and a hamburger, and you choose the hamburger, someone might take offence because you hate Italian people. Yeah, it’s batshit crazy but it’s real!

Earlier this week I was watching a video where – and I am not making this up – a college student in the US, at some or other town hall type gathering, was taking huge offence to a speaker who dared to say that, biologically speaking, you only get males and females and that, as this student was trying to argue, males cannot get pregnant.

Nope, not joking.

Now I am more than happy for anybody to identify as any one of the 72 genders (WTF!) out there but when you stand up and communicate at someone that there are more than two sexes… we have a problem.

At the very least, and if you truly believe in your point of view, have the common decency and respect to communicate with someone and allow them to be involved in the conversation.

Listen… it’s okay to not agree with someone and still have a conversation with them.

But for many it’s easier to be offended rather than communicate with someone.

Someone says something.
You don’t agree.
They try and communicate with you.
You get offended.
You start talking at them.
You don’t listen to their point of view.
You convince yourself of your point.

The only person loosing in this story is you.

Whether online, which is particularly bad right now, or in the real world, could I ask we please start communicating with each other and not at each other?

Seriously, there is no downside.
It’s a win-win.

And you know what, if you find yourself getting offended when other people try to communicate with you while are communication at them… walk it off sunshine.

Gerry van der Walt

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