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It’s okay to fail

Do you know what?

It’s okay to fail.

Yeah yeah, I can throw around motivational quotes about failing forward and fall down 7 times, get up 8.

But still, it’s okay to fail.

It’s okay to cry.


Get embarrassed.


Fall down in front of everyone.

Believe yourself.

Fail again.



Walk your talk.


Failing is not a problem to avoid.

It’s how you win!

Mistakes are how you learn and grow and become the next version of yourself.

When you try so damn hard not to fail, you are suffocating your own story.

How can you be the best version of yourself if you’ve never failed?

I want to be trained by a coach who has tasted defeat and failure.

I want to be les and guided by a coach who has faced their own demons and returned with the lessons.

I don’t trust a ‘leader’ who has never failed.

So allow yourself to become an epic failure.

Launch the thing.

Make that call.

Send that message.

Speak your truth.

Go, do it now.

Live your life while making glorious mistakes and add some fucking depth to your story!

You’ll thank me for it one day! ✌🏼


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