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Get off your f*cking phone

I just got back from my local petrol station, and the Seattle coffee shop where they know me pretty well, and just before I walked in to get my cappuccino I stopped, got out my phone and took an image of the sunrise.

It was really pretty.

I didn’t to it for the gram, cause I’m still loving being off social media. I did it cause it made me stop, look at and appreciate the moment and just not do or think anything else.

I made the image.
Paused for a second.
Appreciated the scene.
Put my phone away.
Went in to get my coffee.

Living in the moment is something I don’t think we do enough.

I mean it.

I think we are all so caught up in whatever life throws at us and, more importantly, how we think and overthink it that we miss the moments that literally all around us all the time.

I’ve been very aware of this the last while and I’ve watched people and why they don’t recognise, see or appreciate moments. I have one piece of advice for you that you can try in order to be more open to life and the moments we all should be seeing and experiencing.


Get off your fucking phone! 😠

Over the last month I’ve watched people on safari, while traveling, at the office and in life in general and it is absolutely insane how phone addicted the majority of people are.

I’m not exaggerating when I say people will pick up their phones at least every 4 to 6 minutes – I checked – in order to check social media or emails or messages.

Even if you were a hardcore drug addict you wouldn’t try and get a hit that often. Seriously, it’s madness!

It’s sad and scary and just plain messed up how many people are not recognising life and life’s moments because of this addiction that has become a part of everyday life.

And then, on top of that, the affect it has on mental health in general… not great.

Here’s another moment I had a few days ago.

I was sitting next to the campfire at the Wild Eye Mara Camp. Just me and the fire, surrounded by complete darkness and a canopy of stars.

With my cup of coffee I sat staring at the fire and then my gaze moved up to the sky. I found Orion and then found myself just, well, staring at the stars. I again wanted to remember the moment so I took out my phone, took an image of the scene and put my phone away.

To see people then sit next to a fire, or in a lion sighting, or simply driving through an amazing place like the Mara and not look up from their addiction and enjoy life’s moments is something that makes me quite sad.

Moments matter.

Always has, always will.

Get off your fucking phone.

Oh, and don’t forget to be awesome. 😉

Gerry van der Walt

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