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The last time

A few days ago I was catching up on some reading of the articles I save as I find them while researching or surfing the web.

In one of them a quote caught my attention and then, the more I thought about it, actually hit me quite hard.

Read this one slowly.

Makes you think, right?

During a coaching session yesterday morning, my client and I touched on this as well and the quote has a lot more to it than just reminiscing about our childhood.

I think we have lost the the ability to live in, or at the very least appreciate, the present moment.

Life is happening now.

Everything before this exact moment is a memory and everything in the future lives only in our imagination.

We tend to spend a disproportionate amount of time and emotional energy on either wishing we could relive a memory or imagining our future.

Living in the past or dreaming about the future.

You know what the cost is for spending so much time in those places?

The present moment.

You are literally missing moments in your life!
Missing your life!

At some point in your childhood, you and your friends went outside to play together for the last time and nobody knew it.

How many other moments in your life are passing you by without you even knowing it?

Because you fail to, as cliched as it may sound, live in the moment?

Only for you to then, many years on, think back and vaguely recall that it was actually something special and that you should have tried to hang on to for just a little while longer?

Please, I’m begging you, start paying attention to the moments in your life!

The moments that take your breath away.

The moment that makes your heart beats faster cause it means something.

The moments that make you think… this is what life is about!

I promise you, it will make you appreciate the small things, the moments, the people and you will, if you’re open to it feel gratitude and happiness and contentment.

And that’s what life should be about! 🙏🏼


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