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Things you need to do

I’ve been paying attention to my own approach to health, vitality, longevity and happiness and the protocols that matter.

Here are some thoughts on the things that matter and that I hope remind you things you might need to pay attention to as well:

  1. Lifting weights is non-negotiable.  Strength training, and what it does for your body is the difference between independence and the nursing home.
  2. Cardio matters. A higher V02 Max is directly correlated to longevity.
  3. Prioritise family. You’ll regret this down the line if you don’t.
  4. Put your phone away.  Be present.
  5. Invest in your relationship with your significant other. The grass is always greener where you water it.
  6. Invest in your friends.  Cultivate relationships that matter.
  7. Focus on the quantity and quality of your sleep.  This might be the thing that will make the biggest difference to the quality of your mental and physical health.
  8. Eat nutrient dense, whole foods.
  9. Supplements.   Magnesium, Gaba, nootropics.
  10. Keep your body fat down.
  11. Walk 3 to 5 km per day.  I started this recently, with a 15km backpack, and the results are real and significant.
  12. Stretch.  
  13. Take care of your knees, hips and lower back. You’ll miss them when they’re gone.
  14. Meditate and breathe.  Yes, even you guys out there.  These are literal cheat codes for managing your stress, emotions and mental health.
  15. Have hard conversations.  Or you’ll have to deal with regret leaving things unsaid.
  16. Save and plan for the future.
  17. Develop a relationship with yourself.  This matters.
  18. Learn to recognise and manage your emotions.
  19. Read as many books as you can.
  20. Run your own race. Comparing yourself to others is a waste of time.

Just a few, but hopefully one or two resonate with you.  

Hit reply and tell what YOU need to work on most. 🙏🏼

Gerry van der Walt

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