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Self-care is a decision we all need to make

“If you are travelling with a child or someone who requires assistance, secure your mask on first, and then assist the other person.”

Secure your own mask first.

Then assist the other person.

Take care of yourself first.

You know what’s messed up?

The fact that we have been made to believe that self-care is selfish.

The fact that we’ve been made to believe that self-care isn’t important enough to be a priority in our lives.

On the back of that, you know what’s even more scary?

So many of us don’t even know how. And then, when we do try and take care of ourselves we confuse self-care for comfort.

Comfort, self improvement and self-care are all linked, but they are very very different.

Comfort is sitting on the couch enjoying a slab of chocolate and bottle of red wine.

Self-care is doing some physical activity and looking at what you eat.

Comfort is finding ways to zone out and pretending everything is okay.

Self-care is being real and honest with yourself about your own mental health.

And then, sometimes when we actually do try and take care of ourselves, we feel ashamed.

This could be shame about not doing the things you know you want, or importantly need to do, or the more insidious shame that quietly questions whether you actually deserve care and compassion in the first place.

We seriously need to reframe this whole conversation and the way we see and approach self-care. I had a very interesting and productive discussion about this last night with one of my clients.

Self-care is a decision we all need to make.

It’s very hard to make decision when you are tired and, let’s be honest, we’re all tired.

The end of a pretty challenging year, news and pandemic overload and the subconscious effects of this time of the year.

All of this is not only the reason feel stressed and overwhelmed and tired, but also the reason we need to pay very serious and urgent attention to taking care of ourselves.

Coping mechanisms for feelings of anxiety and uncertainty.
How to deal with feeling me of being overwhelmed and indecisive.

These things matter right now.

It always has, but right now it’s even more important and if I can give you any advice as we move into the last few weeks of the year… look after you.

Figure out the difference between self improvement, comfort and self-care and what it means for you!

Do what you need to in order to take care of yourself.

Because if you’re not going to do it, no one else will.

And you know what?

I think deep, deep down you know all of this already. 🙏🏼


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