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You are what’s holding you back

I’m still stuck on it.

And I will be for a while both because it hit a chord deep inside me and I choose to lean into the change it will affect.

I’m still stuck on it.

The idea that ‘you need to get out of your own way.’

I know some of you well, others of you not so much. Some of you I don’t know at all but the following statement applies to every single one of you.

The moment you get out of your own way your life will change.

And yes, I 100% include myself in this statement.

Gerry van der Walt

You are what’s holding you back.

Here’s the thing.

The sun will come up tomorrow. It will shine the same as every other day. It doesn’t change and it’s gonna keep on shining every day.

That is not going to change. And neither will the fact that you are given a number of moments to live and make the most of every single.

It’s your choice what you do with those moments but you have to get our of your own way. You need to move past your own insecurities, fears, doubts, behaviour, addictions, beliefs regrets, coping mechanisms and the bullshit you sell yourself as to why you cannot do something or why you don’t deserve something or why you can’t be better.

Live in the moment. Don’t get caught up in the past or worry about the future. The one you can’t change and the other will be determined by what you do in each moment.

Focus on the now, on the moment, and get the fuck out of your own way!

No, it’s not gonna be easy, I know.

But it’s also not as hard as you have made yourself believe.

To me, there is nothing worse then seeing unfulfilled potential in someone else.

Actually there is something worse.

Looking in the mirror and then, even though you are going to try not to see it, realising that you have been holding yourself back.

One more time (for now)…

Please… get the fuck out of your own way!

And breathe…

Here’s a moment from Iceland from a few days ago. 😊

Gerry van der Walt

Yes, this is all coming from somewhere and yes, I will be sharing more on it soon and yes, I’m in the process of getting out of my own way and yes, I’m gonna say this again and again and yes, I will be back with a longer newsletter next week when I’m back in SA and yes, I’m aiming this at you!

For now, I have to finish my coffee and head back out to the diamond beach with my clients for a series of wonderful moments in this amazing country.

Wherever in the world you are, stay safe and don’t forget to be awesome!

Gerry van der Walt

PS: Get out of your own way!

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