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The negativity bias

Okay, so hear me out.

Negativity is a lot louder than positivity. We often allow one little negative event or person or situation to ruin our whole day. Or worse.

But the opposite isn’t true.

We very seldomly, if ever, allow a single positive to override a lot of negative events or situations in our life.

Don’t believe me?

Imagine an amazing salad.

It’ looks amazing.

But then you see a single cockroach in the middle.

That single cockroach will immediately spoil the entire salad for you.

A single negative spoils all the positivity.

It doesn’t work the other way though.

Imagine, if you will, a bowl of sewerage.

If I had to put a single chocolate bar on the top I know for a fact it’s not going to make you feel positive about all the bowl’s content.

Gonna leave those analogies there cause I’m not sure where it’s gonna end if I keep going, but I assume you get the point.

Forget about salads and cockroaches and chocolate bars.

But please be aware that in your life, in all our lives, negativity tends to be a lot louder than positivity.

Remember this when things happen that gets you down or when things don’t go the way you want them to.

Recognise it and move on.

And do whatever you can to not let a single negative spoil your day or your week or your mood.

(Aren’t you glad I didn’t do a Photoshop of the chocolate bar image? 😯)

Negativity < Positivity



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