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Fifty to go

Two down.  Fifty to go.

Yeah, two weeks of 2024 is gone already.  Crazy right?

So what have you done with this year so far?

Or let me ask that differently?

How many more weeks are you still going to just go with the flow until you get your shit together?  

How long until you stop debating with yourself that you’ll start next week?

Or next month?

Or Monday?

You know what not many people talk about?  

That changing yourself while seeing other people, often those closest to you, staying stuck in a rut is very, very hard.

There’s often a very real sense of guilt when you decide to try and level up and this holds us back.  

Because when you make changes, real changes, to your own life your vales shift. You see things differently and you act differently. You move through life differently and people don’t always get this. People will question you. Make you feel guilty.

You need to, while working on yourself and chasing your goals, make peace with the fact that everybody has their own path.  

People choose their path.

And you need to choose yours.  

There’s a reason why, on a plane, they tell you to put your own mask on first.

Same goes for life and self-growth and self-development as well.

The question that matters, and I’m in love with this quote as I move into 2024, is this…

What would you tomorrow, want you today to do?

Think about it.

Because you’re answer to that question will give you a pretty clear idea of what you need to do in order to start.  

You can’t decide this for other people.  

And they can’t decide it for you.

What would you tomorrow, want you today to do?

Are other people holding you back?

Are you allowing them to?

Two down.  

What have you done with this year so far?

Fifty to go.

What are you going to do with the rest of the year?

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