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Stop holding yourself back

During the last few days, and weeks, I have seen quite a few ‘themes’ when speaking to people from all walks of life.

These include anxiety and nervousness about the upcoming festive season and new year. A tired, almost despondent feeling about goals that might have been missed or not reached yet. A tendency of people to avoid the difficult conversations with others or themselves. Pulling back from searching out the best in life or talking care of yourself at the cost of protecting your own mental health and mindset.

Underneath all of this is a messed up belief, that so many of us have, that we’re not ‘allowed’ to be better. Or we’re not ‘allowed’ to feel better. or worse, that we ‘just can’t’ feel better.

Some people feel guilty about even thinking about being a better version of themselves. Or wanting to be a better version of themselves.

How messed up is that?

I’ve been doing some deep dives into various health protocols, coping mechanisms, resilience and stress management and goal getting and the short version is this.

The thing you want to achieve and the changes you want to make is possible.

And I think you know this!

But nothing will happen – nothing will change – if you don’t get serious with yourself, call yourself on your own bullshit, start valuing your own physical and mental heath and start doing the fucking work to have a better life. To be a better person. To be happy and have fun!

Could very, very easily get carried away at this point but gonna leave it there – for now – but we will most definitely be revisiting this conversation as we head towards the end of the year.

If you’ve been telling yourself that “I’ll make changes in the New Year “or that “I just need to get through this first” then you are literally holding yourself back, right now, from having a better, happier, more positive, more enjoyable life!

It’s so hard and frustrating to see people not living to their fullest potential and leaving amazing experiences, health and wellness, passion, happiness, life and fun on the table purely because they’re not willing to have the hard, honest conversations with themselves and those closest to them.

Just… start!!

Okay Gerry… deep breathe…

But please… just start. 🙏🏼

Gerry van der Walt

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